Accommodating Method Effects in Testing Construct Validity Through Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Mengakomodasi Efek Metode dalam Pengujian Validitas Konstruk Melalui Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori
Literatures in the field of psychometrics recommend researchers to employvarious of methods on measuring individual attributes. Ideally,each methods are complementary and measuresthe construct designed to be measured. However, some problems arise when among the methods is unique and unrelated to the construct being measured. The uniqueness of method can lead what is called the method effect. In testing construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis, the emergence of this effect tend to reducing the goodness of fit indices of the model. There are many ways to solve these problem, one of themis controling the method effects and accommodate it to the model. This paper introduces how to accommodate method effecton the confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling. In the application section, author identify the emergence of method effects due to the differences item writing direction (favorable-unfavorable). The analysis showed that method effectemerge from different writing direction.
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