Parental Social Support and Moral Intelligence in Junior High Students
Dukungan Sosial Orang Tua dan Kecerdasan Moral pada Siswa SMP
The purpose of this study is to identify the correlation between parental social support and moral intelligence at SMP X in Sidoarjo. This study uses a correlational type of quantitative research using parental social support variables as independent variables and moral intelligence variables as dependent variables. This study was conducted on students of SMP X in Sidoarjo with a population of 167 students so that the slovin formula of the population to 118 students was used as a research sample using the non-probobility sampling technique of accidental sampling method. The data collection technique used a parental social support scale and a moral intelligence scale in the form of a Likert scale. The hypothesis in this study is whether there is a relationship between parental social support and moral intelligence in SMP X students in Sidoarjo. Data analysis was carried out using product moment correlation techniques using SPSS software version 23. The results of the data analysis showed a correlation coefficient value of 0.303 with a significance level (0.001<0.05), this shows that the hypothesis is accepted which means that the two variables have a positive relationship
- Positive Correlation – The study found a significant positive relationship between parental social support and students' moral intelligence (r = 0.303, p < 0.05).
- Influential Factors – Parental support includes emotional, informational, and instrumental aspects, which contribute to students' moral behavior and decision-making.
- Developmental Impact – Strong parental involvement helps students navigate adolescence with higher moral awareness, reducing negative behaviors like delinquency.
Keyword: Parental Social Support, Moral Intelligence, Adolescence, Education, Psychological Development
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