Peer Social Support, Personality Type, and Smoking Tendency in SMK(T) Students in Sidoarjo District
Social Support Teman Sebaya, Tipe Kepribadian, Dan Kecenderungan Merokok Pada Siswa SMK(T) Di Kecamatan Sidoarjo
Smoking is a one of a juvenile delinquency. However, if it is not handled properly, it will have an impact on adolescent tendency to a higher juvenile. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between peer social support and personality type with a trend of smoking on SMK Students in Sidoarjo. The hypothesis was that there is a positive relationship between social support of SMK Students (T) with a trend to smoke, there is a positive correlation between the personality type of vocational students (T) with a trend to smoke, and there is a positive relationship between social support and personality type with a trend to smoke. This research used three variables: two independent variables X1: peer social support, X2: personality type; and the dependent variable Y: the trends in smoking of SMK Students in Sidoarjo. The research data analysis used multiple correlation technique using SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The results obtained with the correlation coefficient ρ-0.073 (0.146)> 0.05, meaning that peer social support variables relationship with smoking trends were not significant; the correlation coefficient r with ρ 0.006 (0.904)> 0.05, meaning that the personality type variable relationship with smoking trends were not significant. These results showed that the hypothesis of the reseach were not proven.
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